Well things are sort of at a slow point now.
Keep in mind that BMX will be defined as off road cycling so as not to leave out any particular wheel size for off road use.
A few weeks ago the Olympia Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee sat down to look at the money parks would have during the next twenty years and what the public feedback on the parks plan looked like and prioritized. A draft was done for the time period 2008 to 2019 the first four years not much money was available so it will be starting Wildwood Glen, O'Conner, and Mission Creek Parks, West Bay Trail Start, Teen Center, Off Leash Dog Park, Artesian Well, community gardens, BMX park Development....
Wait! What was that last part????
BMX Park Development!!!!!????
Yes because dirt, wood and shovels are cheaper than say several tones of concrete it made it into the initial priority list of the long term budget.
Phase two is for this whole big plan to go to City Council in a study session to see if thy want to make any changes. I went to the Council meting last week to urge them to help ensure it goes through.
I am now on the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee so among all the other parks projects I will be working on I can help to try and keep the small funding line item for BMX in.
What can you as BMX, Mountain, Cyclocross, Unicycle, and other forms off off road cyclist do to help right now??Email the City Council
Doug Mah, Mayor dmah@ci.olympia.wa.us
Jeff Kingsbury, Mayor Pro Tem jkingsbu@ci.olympia.wa.us (Very supportive of the project)
Joan Machlis jmachlis@ci.olympia.wa.us
Karen Messmer, kmessmer@ci.olympia.wa.us (Cyclist and former Vice President of the Capitol Bicycling Club)Joe Hyer, jhyer@ci.olympia.wa.us (Cyclist and owner of The Bike Stand)Craig Ottavelli cottavel@ci.olympia.wa.us (Very supportive of the project)
Rhenda Iris Strub rstrub@ci.olympia.wa.us (Very supportive of the project)
They are busy people so keep it short.
Just state that you are a (BMX, Mountainbike, Cyclocrross, whatever) cyclist and support the BMX Park Development line item and funding in the current drafted Olympia Parks plan and would appreciate the support of passing that item through the process for the cycling community young and old.
Maybe a couple of lines about your excitement for the project and Olympia parks in general.
Doing this will help point out that people really want this and keep in the minds of the council when the parks budget comes up for vote in June.
Finally we will need people to show at the Tue Council Meeting in June (I'll post when) to support the vote for the Parks Budget.
After that it's planning time.