Sunday, January 25, 2009

Interim Use and Management Plan Public Input Workshop

On Friday I attended the Chambers Lake Park Interim Use and Management Plan Public Input Workshop hosted by Jonathon Turlove and Dave Okerlund, Associate Planners for Olympia Parks, Arts & Recreation and other City of Oly Park Staff.
Good news: The city of Olympia is going to soon have a new great park starting to grow alongside the Chehalis Western Trail with wooded walking trails, wetland interpretive areas, a dog park and more as the site gains funding.

The Bad news: NONE The city will soon have a great new park!

During the round table discussions I brought up the ideal of a small BMX or bike skills challenge area in the park to replace the recently lost Amtrak, Royal Oaks, and other Lacey jumps. I expected Jack Horton (bike rider, trail advocate and dog owner) to be the only one at the table to agree with the ideal. To my surprise all six members at the table liked it. When we talked of our ideals as a whole most everyone in the room liked the ideal. One gentleman had objections to bikes in this particular park due to the jumps kids have been building on the trail in his local neighborhood park.

After the meeting I took a second and talked to him about how supporting a park or several small parks in the area with bike jumps and other challenges would cut down and possibly eliminate all the commando building that is an issue to him. He agreed that was a good ideal and would in the future support such a thing in a park that seemed appropriate for it.

Jonathan Turlove and other park staff voiced to me that the parks department has already heard from other voices about the need for a Bike/BMX facility in the area and are willing to listen. Neither Jonathan or other park staff have any experience in sighting, designing, funding, implementing or maintaining such a thing other than the Yager skate park. I however do.

This particular park could only support a small dirt jump area but it could host some bike activity other than single track trails.

Chambers Lake Information:

I will be holding another meeting for input on City Bike Park ideals in March most likely in one of the Lacey Library Meeting Rooms. Until that time email me your ideals for funding, design and location.

Some stuff to get your mind working below.

Beijing Olympic Track:

Non traditional tracks:

Dirt Jump Parks:

Features that include all types of off road riders:

Helpfull bike links:

Joseph (Jody) Ott
Mountain Bike Captain
Capital Bicycling Club
Olympia WA

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